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It’s midnight on a moonless night, suspended between yesterday and tomorrow.

We are facing equal parts calamity and calm.

We dream the dreams of our sons and daughters, whilst fending away nightmares created by ourselves, the authors.

It is a Conundrum we live in by sleep, and while we wake, our worlds are as much defined by our circumstances as by the mental perspectives we bring to them.

We must choose our thoughts and words carefully as storytellers of our minds and of the world we inhabit. Transported by Goya and our suspension of disbelief, our stories may temporarily become reality.

What do we want our reality to be? What is our reason for bee-ing?

The Japanese concept of Ikigai (生き甲斐) aptly defines “a reason for being” as the source of value in one’s life or the things that make one’s life worthwhile.

What do we live for? What is the reason you wake in the morning?

Whatever it may be, be gentle on yourself and your kin of this only planet we call home. We are entwined with it, and it with us. May you find your Kilig — that thrilling feeling of butterflies in your stomach that you feel when you are positively alive and  more


released September 20, 2019

This EP would not have been made possible without my good friends Cheshire (@cheshiremusic) on sax, master by Mindex (@mindexmusic), cover art by Matik (@matik_jake) and Shannon Roman ( @_crackler_ )and some editing and release support from Christian (@soundscrybe).