

spacegeishA spirals down to Earth to bring forth mind-expansive experiences through complex soundwaves. She fuses a myriad of ancient and futuristic melodies including glitch, glitch-hop, cave bass, psychedelic bass, tribal, breaks, dubstep, psydub, progressive, house, and more. Doubling as the Label Director at Street Ritual, her taste is refined to cutting edge mid and high tempo psychedelic bass music. With a release catalogue of over 80 albums representing USA, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, and more; she represents the underground across the globe. Withholding an eclectic knowing of forth-moving and ground-breaking auditory sensations, she creates feels of depth through eclectic tempo designs and fusions composed of genre-blending and picturesque soundscapes. She lands here on Earth solely to provide ethereal explorations for your auditory pleasure; sure to help any listener resonate with far out vibrations. Step into a known dimension of timelessness as you glide seamlessly through bass growls and intricate beat patterns.